After waking, we decide to pursue Amath…
Amath - Yellowspire tower - castle ward - less nice than other locations in the castle ward
Yellowspire tower:
5 people in fur-lined garments, emblazoned with black hand-print on them
One woman at the center
Ritual Circle w/ candles
Tied-up, gagged and blindfolded individual in center of circle
Three black, flying snakes in the rafters
This is the highest floor of the tower.
We win. Aldon goes "one shot, one kill" mode for the duration of the fight.
Bane - god of tyrannical oppression… the bad god. Evil evil
Hostage - Shan Chien
The cultists wanted him to serve Bane. He runs a newspaper they wanted him to "get the word out"
They abducted him on the street
Manshoon, "The traitor" - mauer knows him We. BARELY. Kill him He collapses into a pile of ice and snow. (Simulacrum?)
Permanent teleportation circle in the basement.
"I thought they were theives, not cultists" "They are many things"
Manshoon is a wizard, apparently.
He had made many clones of himself. We thought them all to be destroyed. It seems some remain.
He is the one who brought the Zenterim Black Network into being.
He has popped up here & there - every time, destroyed. Many years since he's been heard of.
The multiple clones of manshoon have been after multiple objectives: power, riches, generally just destruction (lost mind)
In Mauer's "lifetime" he wanted power. Was on multiple councils, looking for ways to manipulate… anything
"He has betrayed many mages in the past, including the one who made me."